Almost Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas.

My Angel quilt.

Presents, presents and more presents.

Our tree with handmade love hearts from old tea towels.

decoration out of the girls tree.
Almost Christmas , unbelievable. We had a great but busy year and now we are almost at the end. I'm still not really in the Christmas mood but that is because of the weather. The sun is out every day and we are wearing skirts and shorts most of he time so not really a Christmas outfit. But we have a tree( two by the way) and some decorations and I love to share them with you.
This is the first time that I write in my blog.
I am Jacoline, me and my family emigrated to New Zealand from The Netherlands 3 years ago.
I can tell you, we went through some hard times in those 3 years, but we found our dream.
We bought a lovely home close to the beach. I spend a lot of time in our garden which has a lot of fruit trees, a nice vegetable garden and great flowers.
I love to shop in secondhand shops and garages sales are the best invention ever.
My days are filled with craft, cooking , baking and of course my 3 girls.
I try to have a beachwalk every day and on wednesday I join the quilt club.
We are still busy with rebuiling the house to make it a great home.
We like traveling and like to discover our new country.
I keep you updated with new stories, recipes, ideas and pictures every week.
Dear Jacoline,
I like your blog very much and I want to wish you and your family a merry Chrismas.
Wishes from Germany
Your home looks truly festive.
Happy holidays.
Andi :-)
Je kerstboomversiering is prachtig! Ik wens je een heel mooie Kerst en misschien dat er een koud briesje vanuit Nederland komt, want hier wordt het kouououououd brrrrrrrr.
Fijne feestdagen!
I love your pretty decorations - hope you have a very Merry Christmmas.
Hier is het mistig en koud. De weersverwachtingen zijn ook ijzig koud. we kunnen waarschijnlijk volgende week schaatsen op natuurijs. De kerstbal van de dames vind ik erg leuk.
Wauw wat een super mooie engel quilt!! Echt heeeel erg gaaf! En je boom is ook zo mooi!
wauw wat heb je prachtige kerstversieringen zeg !
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