I was planning to tell you all about my more than exiting news and then we got sad news as well. To start with the exiting news, I'm going to open my own gift shop in the small shopping mall in Waikanae. Lovely living in real life !!
3 months ago I saw the shop for lease and it was always my wish to own my little shop. I went to the real estate agent and after a lot of thinking I made my decision. Lovely Living was born on paper.
We started to collect furniture for the shop for display and I bought a till. Lieke was more than happy to make her own little shop at home and play with the till.
Boxes of stock coming in and I want all the furniture white for the shop. André is busy painting them all and I'm busy sewing stock as much as I can.
But on the day that I signed my lease contract we've got the terrible phone call that my mum was really sick, I can tell you all my dreams fell apart and I didn't know what to do. I'm here in New-Zealand and she is in The Netherlands.
My plan was to open the shop in September,but we have to delay it till October. I'm off to my mum tomorrow. I stay with her for 5 weeks and hope we will have a good time together.
It was really hard to focus on the shop when you know there is something terrible wrong at home, so I hope I made the wright decision to delay my shop.
I'm off for a few weeks and hope to show you my new shop soon.